Expert group on Remote training for RI staff and researchers (online)
The Euro-BioImaging is organising an Expert Group meeting about Remote training for Research Infrastructure staff and researchers. The meeting is organised as part of the eRImote Project and will take place online on 5 September 2023, from 10:00 to 12:15 PM CEST.
The expert group will focus on remote training for RI staff and researchers in general. The group will explore the impact of remote training on staff interaction and networking. The aim is to identify the technical and didactic requirements for remote courses and many more.
Main tasks:
- explore the different methodologies used in different scientific domains and types of RI
- learn from each other
- identify needs of staff and researchers
- promote the exchange of experiences and solutions
- collect resources
- identify common roadblocks in the provision of remote training.
Tanja Ninkovic (EMBL)
Using competencies for designing training
Kirstin Vonderstein (University of Helsinki)
From online to on-demand: Remote training in a microscopy core facility
Elmer Topp-Jørgensen (Aarhus University)
INTERACT publications and tools for safe, efficient, and environmentally friendly fieldwork
Vanessa Higgins (UK Data Service)
A case-study of the UK Data Service remote training programme for social science researchers
Fabrice Cordelieres (France BioImaging)
FBI-Training: Towards FAIRisation of training material
Click here to register for the meeting.