ENVRI Community Summer School
Тhe 5th ENVRI Community Summer School will take place in person on 10-15 July 2022 in Lecce, Italy.
Named "Road to a FAIR ENVRI-Hub: Designing and Developing Data Services for End Users", this Summer School organised by LifeWatch ERIC will cover topics such as user interfaces, packaging of services, reusability and validation of services, and building and supporting networks through the lens of the ENVRI-Hub approach.
The course and workshops are aimed at Research Infrastructure (RI) service developers and user support staff, and RI staff working on user interaction and community/network building.
Key benefits:
- get prepared to use one of the main upcoming European FAIR and open data platform, the ENVRI-hub
- meet and work with data service experts from diverse European RIs
- acquire in-depth knowledge of cutting-edge, innovative technology for data analysis
- learn how assessing the technical readiness level for your service will save you time during validation
- discover how clear and concise descriptions of your services will attract a broader end-user base
Participation is free, registration closes on 17 June 2022.
For more info, programme and registration, go to the LifeWatch ERIC website.