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Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

eLTER Talk: Thomas Houet

The fourth eLTER Talk for 2023 will be done by Thomas Houet who will present scenarios, impacts
and outcomes related to the past and future land use changes in an intensive agricultural Socioecological

Thomas Houet is a Senior Scientist – Director of Research at CNRS, Joint-Director of the LTER Zone Atelier Armorique, and Head of UAV platform D2T France.

You can join from this link:
Meeting ID: 992 2797 0182
Password: 8WNn89

Abstract to the talk:

Exploring future land use changes still remains a challenge at a fine scale while providing critical inputs to evaluate their potential impacts over the mid-long term. Moreover, scenarios are assumed to be helpful for decision makers to define and implement more sustainable land use policies, but inversely, this statement has never been proven.

This talk aims at presenting a compilation of results from two European project (INTERREG ALICE and ITN TERRANOVA) where a French agricultural long term socio-ecological system observatory demonstrates its usefulness to answer the two cited challenges.

One of the main issue was to account for land users and stakeholders in the method (scenarios' definition) and the dissemination (knowledge sharing) processes to be more effective towards the sustainable development of the Couesnon watershed (upstream of the Mont Saint Michel bay). While scenarios and potential impacts allows to evaluate current policies and identify future challenges of land and resources management, this talk will also emphasizes that science still may exhibit limitations in contributing for more sustainable policies.

When (times shown are in CET)
02 Oct, 2023 1:30 PM to
02 Oct, 2023 2:30 PM
