Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

eLTER SPF Webinar: Data Papers

The eLTER SPF webinar on Data Papers will be held online on November 22, 2023. The presenters will be Tanja Lindholm and Allan T. Souza, from the University of Helsinki (Finland), who will present relevant information regarding data paper publishing. The focus will be on ecological and environmental research, data publishing, and user experiences in academia.

Target Audience for the webinar:

  • Researchers and scientists in the field of ecology and environmental studies
  • Academics interested in data publishing and data paper authorship
  • Librarians, data managers, and data stewards
  • Anyone interested in scientific data publishing

By attending the webinar you will:

  • Understand the importance of data papers in today's research landscape.
  • Discover how data papers can enhance the visibility and impact of your research, helping you take your academic career to new heights.
  • Benefit from the presenters' expertise, who will provide you with both a general introduction to the topic and a detailed report of their user experience in publishing a data paper.
  • Stay up-to-date with the latest trends in data publishing and scientific communication, ensuring your research reaches its full potential.
  • Engage in a live Q&A session with the presenters to get your questions answered and gain valuable insights into data papers.

Participation in the webinar is free but registration is required here.

When (times shown are in CET)
22 Nov, 2023 1:00 PM to
22 Nov, 2023 2:30 PM
