eLTER Sites and Platforms Forum
PART I of the seventh eLTER Sites and Platforms Forum (SPF07) is scheduled to be held ONLINE on Wednesday, 28th of May, from 9:00 to 13:15 CET. Tentative timeline (to be confirmed):
- Session 1: 10:00-11:45
- Lunch/coffee break: 12:00-12:30
(welcome to bring your lunch/coffee and spend the break together)
- Session 2: 12:30 (12:45) -14:15
PART II of the SPF07 will be held IN PERSON, during the eLTER Science Conference in Tampere (23-27 June 2025). More information on the PART II coming soon for the Conference registered participants (no online participation).
The Sites and Platforms Forum welcomes participation from all eLTER Site and Platform personnel, as well as other participants interested in engaging in discussions about site management and platform operations.
Secure your spot for the event via registration: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/130054/lomake.html
Questions, assistance and more information:
SPF Coordinators, Paulina Rajewicz (paulina.rajewicz@helsinki.fi) & Theresa Lumpi (theresa.lumpi@slu.se)