Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

eLTER RI and ESFRI process

eLTER entered the ESFRI Roadmap in 2018 and is currently developing into a Research Infrastructure (RI), with the aim of becoming formalised and fully operational in 2026. The materials in this section introduce various aspects of the eLTER ESFRI process and provide periodic updates on the eLTER RI's development, including an overview of what the RI will look like, its strategic goals, services, and integration into the European and global RI landscape.

eLTER in a nutshell

These materials explain eLTER in a nutshell - scientific background, main components, and evolution towards an operational distributed Research Infrastructure.

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Anchoring of eLTER concept & activities in the Green Deal and related strategies

This video presents how eLTER is realised and linked to the European Commission's priorities and Green Deal.

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eLTER Strategic Plan

The eLTER Strategic plan, available below, describes the vision, mission and strategic goals of eLTER.

eLTER Service Portfolio

The materials here provide an overview of the development and key components of the eLTER Service Portfolio.

eLTER Standard Observations

Establishing Standard Observations (SOs) is a key process for creating spatially and temporally harmonised datasets that enable cross-site and continental-scale data analysis. The materials here introduce the concept and development of eLTER Standard Observations.

Transnational Access and Remote Access

Transnational Access and Remote Access (TA & RA) to eLTER Sites and Platforms is one of our main services, allowing scientists to conduct research projects at eLTER sites and to benefit from the infrastructure and available long-term data.

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