eLTER entered the ESFRI Roadmap in 2018 and is currently developing into a Research Infrastructure (RI), with the aim of becoming formalised and fully operational in 2026. The materials in this section introduce various aspects of the eLTER ESFRI process and provide periodic updates on the eLTER RI's development, including an overview of what the RI will look like, its strategic goals, services, and integration into the European and global RI landscape.
eLTER in a nutshell
eLTER in a nutshell - video
eLTER RI brochure
Anchoring of eLTER concept & activities in the Green Deal and related strategies
eLTER and European strategies - video
eLTER Strategic Plan
eLTER Strategic Plan
eLTER Service Portfolio
Service Potfolio webpage
Service Portfolio - infosheet
Service Portfolio - video
eLTER Standard Observations
Standard Observations - video
Standard Observations - Infosheet
Standard Observations - page
Transnational Access and Remote Access
TA & RA intro - video
4th TA call - video
3rd TA call - video
eLTER Access scheme - infosheet
TA & RA webpage
Data management and handling tools
eLTER's network of sites and platforms generates large amounts of diverse data. To support the provision and management of this data and to ensure its FAIRness, eLTER provides, maintains and continually develops a range of tools and services, which are introduced and explained here.
The eLTER information-management system
eLTER information management overview - video
eLTER Information System - infosheet
DEIMS-SDR intro - video
DEIMS-SDR - link
DEIMS-SDR - infosheet
DAR - Digital Asset Register
DAR intro - video
I & R of FAIR principles - video
Making eLTER data FAIR - infosheet
Cookie cutting
Data cookie-cutter - video
Coookie cutting statistical data - video
ReLTER in Zenodo
ReLTER at GitHub
eLTER Data Labs
Introduction to DataLabs - video
Data analytics for eLTER - video
DataLabs - link
Publishing data papers
How to publish a data paper - video
Whole System Approach
What makes eLTER special and unique is its whole-system approach to ecological and socio-ecological research. The concept, structure, and strategic vision of eLTER is based on the WAILS concept - the Whole Systems Approach to In-Situ Research on Life-supporting Systems. WAILS combines research on horizontal interactions between social systems and their environments with research in macrosystem ecology with its vertical interactions and scaling. The materials provided here introduce and explain eLTER's WAILS concept and how it can translate into research agendas for sustainable solutions to the Grand Societal Challenges.
eLTER's numerous stakeholders include the scientific community, the eLTER community, peers in environmental research and observation, environmental RIs, decision and policy makers, ESFRI, funding organisations, as well as the public, businesses, and industry. These stakeholders have different information needs and require a different language. The materials provided here are targeted to different stakeholder groups and can be used when you are looking for guidance on how to present eLTER to a specific stakeholder group.
eLTER for scientists
eLTER for Scientific community - video
Careers in eLTER - video
eLTER for Scientific users - brochure
eLTER research: Variability of ecosystem processes
eLTER research: Water and carbon transfers
eLTER for peers in research and observation, environmental RIs, and networks
eLTER for peers in RI world - video
eLTER & Lifeplan collaboration - video
eLTER for peers in RI world - brochure
eLTER within RI landscape - infosheet
eLTER for decision and policy makers
eLTER for Decision Makers - video
eLTER and environmental challenges - video
eLTER for Decision Makers - brochure
eLTER's impact - examples
eLTER Stakeholders
Stakeholder interaction and communication - infosheet
Stakeholder Landscape Analysis
eLTER for the public, business & industry
eLTER for public - video
eLTER and environmental challenges - video
Views on eLTER
What is eLTER ? - video
Martyn Futter, Sweden
Shayli Dor-Haim, Israel
Nathalie Cools, Belgium
Daniel Orenstein, Israel
Jaana Bäck, Finland
Nikos Nikolaidis, Greece
Pablo F. Mendez, Spain
Ulf Mallast, Germany
Mark Frenzel, Germany
PhD Researcher, Bulgaria
Christophe Piscart, France
eLTER promotional materials
eLTER RI brochure
eLTER PPP flyer
eLTER PLUS flyer
eLTER logos
Service host selection process infosheet
eLTER PPP - Preparatory Phase Project
eLTER PLUS - Advanced Community Project
Social Ecology in eLTER
eLTER is the only environmental RI that directly addresses societal questions and environmental policies at local, regional and continental scales. We are constantly developing and refining our transdisciplinary frameworks, primarily through establishment and operation of socio-ecological LTSER Platforms to address eLTER's sustainability goals. Integral characteristics of the socio-ecological research framework are its iterative and reflective nature, and its support of ongoing dialogue between science and society, all to facilitate and strengthen the RI’s pursuit of sustainability in socio-ecological systems. Collection of both qualitative and quantitative essential socio-ecological data at the Platform scale will allow for upscaling of analyses and knowledge transfer to continental policy making on ecological and natural-resource issues.
Socio-ecological research in eLTER
eLTER RI advances social ecological research
Transdisciplinary research at eLTSER Platforms - infosheet
Socio-ecological variables
Systematic collection of socio-ecological variables
eLTSER Platforms
eLTSER Platforms
Transdisciplinary science in eLTER
Transdisciplinary science in European Long-Term Socio-Ecological Research
Citizen Science at eLTSER Platforms
Citizen Science at eLTSER Platforms
Data Analysis
eLTER's key contribution to science is the measurement, collection, management, and provision of long-term data. Decades of legacy data measured and collected at numerous sites, plus the eLTER Standard Observation, form the basis for answering a wide range of research questions. To assist and enable data analysis, eLTER provides here an increasing range of data-analysis tools and webinars on analysis methods.
Use of official statistics data for eLTER standard observations
Use of statistical data for SOs - video
Time series analysis
Time series analysis I
Time series analysis II
Standards and concepts
eLTER aims to collect, manage, synthesiсe and make available information on the long-term development of ecosystems and socio-ecological systems for the geo-, hydro-, bio-, atmo-, and sociosphere on different spatial scales across Europe. This requires comparable and standardized data from measurement programs with defined variables, methods and protocols, which are implemented in the eLTER Standard Observations (SOs). The materials provided here introduce and explain the selection criteria and purpose behind eLTER SOs, and the benefits of their adoption and harmonization with other measurement schemes for creation of standardised and compatible large-scale data sets.
eLTER Standard Observations
Standard Observations - video
Standard Observation - infosheet
Standard Observations - page
Cost estimation tool
Use of statistical data for SOs - video
eLTER Sites
Hyytiälä, Finland
Ramon, Israel
Negev, Israel
Oulanka, Finland
Wadi Shita, Israel
Other observational methods
SITES Spectral - Spectral data for ecosystem monitoring
MOSES - Modular observation solutions for earth systems
Automated, visual monitoring of biodiversity in the AMMOD-project