Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

Post-Doctorante/Post-Doctorant Data analyst in atmospheric science

19 February 2024

This 18-month position with Dr. Bourin, Dr. Font and Prof. Riffault, will be focussing on the analysis of the spatial and temporal variability of the PAHs collected in atmospheric samples and deposits to study their sources and transport patterns.

The selected candidate is expected to: 

  • consolidate the databases to assess their quality and combine multiple datasets from several projects 
  • analyse the data using statistical techniques to evaluate spatial and temporal variability and/or trends
  • write up research results and participate in the dissemination through publications, conferences, seminar presentations and outreach activities, including towards stakeholders
  • participate to collaborative work both internally and externally 
  • undertake appropriate organisational and administrative activities connected to the research project
  • provide guidance to other staff and students, if needed
  • Participation in teaching activities

Background of the project: 

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons are persistent pollutants which are highly toxic for human health due to their carcinogenic, mutagenic and teratogenic properties. They are emitted by various sources from both natural and anthropogenic origins, and are ubiquitous in the different environmental compartments (air, water, soil, …). Therefore they have a negative impact on humans and ecosystems, which led to the regulation of some of them and the monitoring of their atmospheric concentrations and deposits.

Several of these datasets (atmospheric concentrations, deposition fluxes) collected through intensive field campaigns as well as long-term monitoring (from a few weeks to more than a decade) are available for various types of sites (rural background, urban background, industrial sites) at the national and European scales.

Learn more and apply here.

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