Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

eLTER presentation during the YSSchool MEGAPOLIS-2021

3 January 2022

The background, current status and future perspectives of eLTER RI and the European environmental research infrastructures were presented to a wide audience of young scientists in Earth system research by professor Jaana Bäck (eLTER PLUS coordinator) from University of Helsinki on November 18, 2021.

The Young Scientist School (YSS) on “Multi–Scales and–Processes Integrated Modelling, Observations and Assessment for Environmental Applications” was organized in memory of distinguished professor Sergej Zilitinkevich (1936-2021).

The School included lectures from integrated research infrastructures, measurements and modelling of the Earth system, hydrology, numerical weather prediction and atmospheric chemical transport, as well as practical exercises and small-scale research projects. The course was jointly organized by Moscow State University and University of Helsinki.

Illustration of the city and nature