Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

eLTER launches its Grand Campaign

13 April 2023

After months of preparation, eLTER launched its Grand Campaign (GC) aimed at filling a critical gap in the photo/video archive of the project and to significantly strengthen communication and dissemination activities. The RI's central communication team will visit selected sites and platforms in over 20 partner countries to take photos and videos with drone and camera, as well as to interview researchers and the national LTER teams.

The Grand Campaign will provide five core outcomes (and a few surprises in preparation):

1. A structured and consistent photo/video archive of eLTER sites and platforms comprising over 1000 photos and more than 40 videos by drone and camera, done by a professional team;
2. Over 200 social media posts during the country visits with special hashtags for stakeholders to follow up on the progress: #eLTERgc #eLTERGrandCampaign;
3. A dedicated social media campaign after the end of the Grand Campaign showcasing the most interesting photos from our sites and platforms;
4 eLTER Instagram page tailored around the visual development and communication of the project;
5. Update of the visuals on the website, promotional materials and social media to provide a fresh new look to eLTER.

The Grand Campaign will run until the end of 2023, but ongoing updates, photos and videos will be released onto our social media channels and website. Bulgaria and Israel were the first two pilot countries that participated in the activity. More than 20 countries are expected to be covered in the coming months.

Photo: Srebarna site in Bulgaria, as seen during the Grand Campaign visit.