Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

How to present eLTER

eLTER's numerous stakeholders include the scientific community, the eLTER community, peers in environmental research and observation, environmental RIs, decision and policy makers, ESFRI, funding organisations, as well as the public, businesses, and industry. These stakeholders have different information needs and require a different language. The materials provided here are targeted to different stakeholder groups and can be used when you are looking for guidance on how to present eLTER to a specific stakeholder group.

eLTER for scientists

The scientific community is one of the key stakeholder groups of eLTER and its most important and largest user group. It includes e.g. the eLTER community composed of eLTER's component networks, individual researchers and students in various fields, scientific councils and international science initiatives. The materials here highlight the benefits of eLTER for this group.

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eLTER for peers in research and observation, environmental RIs, and networks

eLTER is tightly linked to the world of European environmental Research Infrastructures and observation networks, such as ENVRI, GERI, ICOS, LifeWatch, etc. The materials here highlight eLTER's benefits and interest for these stakeholders.

eLTER for decision and policy makers

Providing information to support political decision making is one of the ultimate goals of eLTER. The materials here highlight the services, benefits, and opportunities eLTER can offer for decision and policy makers in national and international governing bodies.

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eLTER Stakeholders

eLTER serves several stakeholder groups. Their interests, relations and influence on the process of establishment and operation of the eLTER RI vary, as do their expectations and needs of information, consultation, participation and role in eLTER. The materials here provide a brief overview on the eLTER stakeholder landscape.

eLTER for the public, business & industry

eLTER strives to be relevant for all of society and to involve actors from the public, business and industry, such as citizen scientists, research tools manufacturers, and producers. The materials here highlight eLTER's benefits and interest for these stakeholders.

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Views on eLTER

Here, different people from the eLTER community describe what eLTER is for them, and how eLTER benefits their country.

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eLTER promotional materials

eLTER has prepared a wide selection of promotional materials for different stakeholder groups. If you need printed versions, please contact the Head Office.