Integrated European
Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and
socio-ecological Research

Data Analysis

eLTER's key contribution to science is the measurement, collection, management, and provision of long-term data. Decades of legacy data measured and collected at numerous sites, plus the eLTER Standard Observation, form the basis for answering a wide range of research questions. To assist and enable data analysis, eLTER provides here an increasing range of data-analysis tools and webinars on analysis methods.

Use of official statistics data for eLTER standard observations

Important parts of the eLTER Standard Observations related to the socio-ecological sphere are retrieved from official statistics. This video presents the use of official statistics data for eLTER standard observations.

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Time series analysis

Time-series analysis are typically needed when working with long-term data. These videos present challenges in time-series data and demonstrations of different analysis methods implemented in R. They include e.g. change point analysis, linear modelling and interpretation of three-way interactions.

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ReLTER is a new R-package developed within eLTER that provides access to DEIMS-SDR, thus allowing users to interact with software implemented by eLTER RI and improving the data and information shared among the Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) network.

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